Friday, July 3, 2009

August l975

Here is a picture very similar to the first
place we lived after we got married.

The actual location is now just a field
of yellow flowers and some trees.

We don't know what happened to the trailer we really lived in . Anyway, I have been on the lookout for a while now for a place that was similar. Billy and I both think this looks quite a bit like it.

We had a window air unit in the front in the hot summer time we slept on a pull out couch in the front room. During this time Billy was a senior at the University here in Little Rock. I worked 5 hours a day
at an elementary school in the library.
Billy worked nights from 4 - 12 p.m.
He was a janitor and night watchman
at Arkansas Power and Light. After
the cleaning was done he had time to study
til he closed up at midnight. And there I
would be at home waiting... It was a good
year in many respects. Hard in the way
the first year of marriage is hard. But we were

We lived here about 13 months. Its just the first of 23 places
we have lived since we got married.

Very soon we will have our 34th anniversary!!!

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